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L.SFP.1016 - Carbon Calculator explanatory and promotional videos

The SB-GAF calculator facilitates market access for sheep and beef producers and will leverage existing programs, tools, and resources where relevant.

Project start date: 13 December 2022
Project end date: 27 October 2023
Publication date: 27 October 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grass-fed Cattle
Relevant regions: National


The investment goal is to enable growth in the value of and trust in Australian grassfed beef products and their production through demonstrating environmental credentials. The problem being addressed is the absence of a national online web-based version of the Sheep and Beef Greenhouse Accounting Framework (SB-GAF) tool for Australian red meat producers to complete a carbon account/emissions baseline. MLA should invest because the Environmental Credentials Information Technology (ECIT) Platform is crucial to achieving the milestones outlined in the Smart Farming Partnership Grant, which MLA is leading through the Environmental Credentials of Grassfed Beef Project and the SB-GAF tool is a required data source for the platform.

This part of the investment was to create an easy to follow video guide in how to complete the carbon calculator as well as some producer case study videos to demonstrate its value.


To create engaging videos on how to complete a carbon calculation.
To write user case studies to demonstrate the value of the tool.

Key findings

This project was to develop videos for the SB-GAF carbon calculator tool. No key findings.

Benefits to industry

The calculator facilitates market access for sheep and beef producers and will leverage existing programs, tools, and resources where relevant. The target audience encompasses the entire red meat supply chain. The adoption and usability of this calculator will be tested during a pilot phase for the environmental credentials platform that requires engagement with up to 500 red meat producers. This calculator will be a valuable tool for the Carbon EDGE package that is currently under development within the MLA adoption portfolio. The tool will underpin the skills taught in the program and ensure a smoother delivery as the usability is more advanced than the current excel version.

MLA action

MLA will house the calculator and continue to fund maintenance and updates throughout the life of the tool. An update to the videos may be needed, especially with the inclusion of goat and feedlot capabilities.

More information

Project manager: Margaret Jewell
Contact email: