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L.SCR.1701 - Review and Assessment of Program 1 of the Sheep CRC

Project start date: 06 April 2017
Project end date: 29 June 2017
Publication date: 29 November 2023
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Lamb
Relevant regions: National


This project entails Australian Ventures Consultants developing an independent review of Sheep CRC Program R1 'Enhanced Sheep Productivity and Wellbeing' and its likely outputs. The purpose of this assessment is to inform decisions pertaining to the investment of levy funds in Sheep CRC Program R1. These may include continuing with the current program direction, making all or a portion of the current levy funding conditional on modification to the current direction of the program, or ceasing levy funding of the program.


  • Review the business case and the assumptions that underpin the business case for Sheep CRC Program R1.
  • Determine the ongoing development costs.
  • Determine the delivery costs.
  • Evaluate whether the service sector, resellers and/or farm business software providers represent an adequate/suitable market for uptake and delivery of the specific Program R1 product, ASKBill.
  • Evaluate whether producers will be willing to pay a direct subscription or other fee to the commercial provider.
  • Consider potential legalities of the advice that ASKBill will provide to producers, resellers etc.
  • Consider possible effects on the industry's social license to operate (i.e. will the product unreasonably increase the expectation by community and consumers to reduce disease/weather associated morbidity or mortality beyond what the product is capable of delivering?)

Benefits to industry

This independent review will provide insights into risks and issues that may not be clear to the research team conducting the project.

Future research

For more information

Contact Project Manager: Michael Crowley
