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L.SAL.2201 - SALRC Regional Funds Management 2021-22

Research Councils engage beef and sheep producers on behalf of MLA for input into RD&A investments for on-farm productivity.

Project start date: 29 July 2021
Project end date: 14 January 2023
Publication date: 06 May 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Lamb
Relevant regions: Southern Australia, NSW, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, Tasmania, Eastern Australia


This agreement covers the FY 2021-22 allocation of funds for the Southern Australia Livestock Research Council (SALRC) regional engagement and for SALRC to administer these funds on behalf of MLA.
MLA has a regional consultation structure that engages producers for input into MLA’s allocation of annual investments in research, development and adoption (RD&A), benefiting grassfed beef and sheepmeat producers. SALRC is one of three research advisory councils in MLA’s consultation framework, representing inputs from Southern Australian producers. SALRC provides a forum for red meat industry and RD&A agencies to review, debate and consolidate RD&A priorities that emerge the consultation process. Each year, MLA allocates funding to cover sitting fees, travel and meeting expenses for theproducer members of SALRC, as well as for SALRC Council operations. As indicated above, this agreement covers the FY 2021-22 allocation of funds, which will be administered by SALRC on behalf of MLA.


1. Manage consultation funds in accordance with these Guidelines. Funds may not be used to cover expenditure outside of these Guidelines, unless written approval has been obtained from MLA prior to expenditure.
2. The SALRC Executive Officer will request and process invoices from each SALRC producer member who attends regional forums and full SALRC meetings and pay the invoices in accordance with these Guidelines.
3. Assist in ensuring MLA is notified of all SALRC meetings, including council meetings, and provides a minimum of three weeks notice so that MLA has the opportunity to address each meeting to provide updates on Investment Call progress and/or RD&A investments.
4. The SALRC Chair and producer representative to be involved in the Red Meat Panel meetings.
5. Deliver regional priorities for investment in grassfed beef and sheepmeat RD&A to MLA at a time agreed with the Program Manager – Consultation.
6. Deliver Producer Demonstration Site (PDS) priorities in a format as requested to MLA at a time agreed with the Project Manager - PDS Program.
7. Provide a forum for the beef and sheep industry and research, development and adoption (RD&A) agencies to review, debate and consolidate RD&A priorities that emerge from the regional forums and provide the outputs to MLA in a pre-determined template. -12-
8. Foster effective communication of RD&A outcomes and provide engagement for continued RD&A service provision.
9. M&E status reports to be provided every quarter, for MLA internal purposes, including SALRC meetings, locations and number of attendees data.
10. The Council Secretariat will distribute updates and information on the Investment Call and the Consultation Framework, and other information deemed relevant by MLA, to its membership base. Including distribution of an MLA Regional Consultation Framework annual satisfaction survey. MLA will send SALRC the survey for circulation and will collate results

Key findings

MLA uses the consultation process undertaken through the Research Councils to inform investment decisions.

Benefits to industry

The Research Councils provide a critical link between Researchers, producers and MLA in identify and prioritising potential RD&A ideas for investment.

MLA action

MLA engaged producers to understand priorities for investment on farm for sheep and beef production.

Future research

SALRC funds management projects are a recurring requirement of the Consultation program.

More information

Project manager: Gus Rose
Contact email:
Primary researcher: Southern Australia Livestock Research