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L.PGS.1844 - Profitable Grazing Systems Communication Strategy

Profitable Grazing Systems (PGS) is a group-based delivery program, which drives improved business performance outcomes for participating red meat producers with measurable impacts.

Project start date: 28 April 2019
Project end date: 29 November 2021
Publication date: 13 December 2023
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Lamb
Relevant regions: National


This project is for the employment of a PGS Communication Strategist to develop a communications plan to increase recruitment of service providers and producers in the PGS program.


1. Develop a communication strategy to raise awareness of the value of the PGS program among the service provider community that ultimately contributes to increased participation in the program. The development of the strategy includes:
a. consultation with the PGS leadership group and other service providers including:
i. current PGS service providers
ii. past PGS service providers
iii. experienced and influential consultants and researchers.
b. value propositions for service providers to engage with PGS
c. communications channels
d. communications collateral
e. a detailed implementation plan
f. key performance indicators.

2. Develop a communication strategy to raise awareness of the value of the PGS program among the livestock producer community that ultimately contributes to increased participation in the program. The development of the strategy includes:
a. consultation with the PGS leadership group and other service providers including:
i. current PGS producers
ii. past PGS producers
iii. producers who have not engaged with PGS
b. value propositions for producers to engage with PGS
c. communications channels
d. communications collateral
e. a detailed implementation plan
f. key performance indicators.
3. Support the PGS National Coordinator, State Coordinators and service providers in developing and communicating value propositions to attract and engage delivery providers and red meat producer participants.
4. Assist with the implementation of the PGS communications strategy to raise awareness of the value of the PGS program among the service provider community that ultimately contributes to increased participation in the program. The implementation of the strategy includes:
a. reviewing and developing the PGS off-the-shelf collateral to communications approval
b. promoting the value proposition of the off-the-shelf and other PGS packages
c. manage the PGS deliverer facing promotional collateral and develop deliverer case
5. Work with the PGS team to implement a capability building strategy for PGS service providers. The implementation of this strategy will involve:
a. assisting with development, planning and promotion of PGS capability building events
b. developing relevant collateral for the events.
6. Assist with the development and implementation of the communication strategy to raise awareness of the value of the PGS program among the livestock producer community that ultimately contributes to increased participation in the program. The development and implementation of the strategy includes:
a. promotion of PGS collateral via communications channels
b. development of communications collateral including four video case studies.

Benefits to industry

The PGS vision is to increase producer skills and capability, practice change and whole farm business improvement through increasing producer understanding of:
business profit = management capability + evidence + value chain approach

Future research

For more information

Contact Project Manager: Elizabeth Thelander
