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L.GEN.2301 - Sheep Genetics Systems Development

The Sheep Genetics (SG) system will continue to be developed and maintained by SG staff.

Project start date: 25 September 2022
Project end date: 14 January 2024
Publication date: 29 November 2023
Project status: In progress
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb
Relevant regions: National


The redeveloped Sheep Genetics (SG) database systems were released in May 2022. These systems had been developed under the following projects: L.GEN.1906, L.GEN.2104, L.GEN.2202 and L.GEN.2203. There were additional databases and systems that sat outside the scope of these projects that are yet to be incorporated into the new redeveloped Sheep Genetics database. These include the transition of the genomics database, migration of MateSel and the National Sheep Improvement Program (NSIP) database.


This project will include the following key areas of work:
1. Development of SG staff and systems.
2. Refinement of existing database structure and support in the transition of SG databases and web infrastructure.

Key findings

As part of this project the following key areas were developed and deployed:
Development of staff and systems:
- The transition of existing systems using the previous SG platform will allow the upskilling of SG staff with the support of the supplier. This provides an opportunity to review and refresh the functionality of Sheep Genetics website/database, as well as provides the opportunity for ‘on-the-job’ skills development of SG staff as they work. with the supplier in this transition.

Refinement of existing database structure and support in the transition of SG databases:
- This day-to-day use of the new system throughout the first 12 months of being operational was important to address and resolve issues as they arise. SG staff continued to test this pipeline in preparation for a gradual rollout to users, including breeders and service providers. Quarterly work plans were also developed with specific items of work/deliverables by the Sheep Genetics technical team, including database managers.

Benefits to industry

The benefits of this project further ensured SG systems were migrated to a single scalable data warehouse (cloud-based), utilising infrastructure developed in the same language, allowing for serviceability and alignment with other industry databases.

MLA action

Sheep genetics staff to continue developing and maintaining the new interface. Consideration of future projects that allow new tools and upgrades to be made to the sheep genetics systems.

Future research

Ongoing sheep genetics database and systems development is required. This also includes future proofing of the sheep genomic database.


For more information

Contact Project Manager: Peta Bradley
