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L.EQT.2203 - Calibration and accreditation of the SOMA device to measure IMF in sheepmeat

SOMA devices can be used to measure intramuscular fat in sheepmeat.

Project start date: 29 October 2021
Project end date: 28 December 2023
Publication date: 18 January 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Lamb
Relevant regions: National


This project supported the final calibration of three SOMA devices to predict intramuscular fat (IMF) in sheepmeat, subsequent AUS-MEAT accreditation, ongoing support to enable data upload into plant systems and explore opportunities for Australian distribution. The SOMA device/s IMF prediction for both development activities that enabled the Meat Standards Australia Sheepmeat Cut buy cooking method model, whereby IMF is one of the traits, and ongoing research projects.


The following objectives were achieved:
- provide support as reasonably required regarding the calibration and updates of algorithms for three SOMA devices
as a part of final data collection exercises conducted by UNE, MLA & ALMTech
- conduct final device calibrations in Japan by SOMA
- provide support where reasonably required by MLA, ALMTech and research partners in the AUSMEAT accreditation process
- provide support where reasonably required by MLA reading data upload into plant systems in an aim of facilitating ongoing commercial relevance, along with possibilities for distribution and device support in Australia.

Key findings

The SOMA devices were capable of differentiating sheepmeat based on their intramuscular fat.

Benefits to industry

The benefit to industry from this project was the ability to use SOMA devices to measure intramuscular fat at the processing plant. With the use of the three SOMA devices purchased as part of this project, the MSA team have been able to conduct benchmarking activities at various processors.

MLA action

This online summary will be published on the MLA R&D website.

Future research

Yes, further research is required in this area to ensure the SOMA device remains calibrated.

More information

Project manager: David Packer
Contact email: