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L.CAP.0001 - Enhancing the health, wellbeing, resilience and performance of red meat producers

The future of the Australian red meat industry is reliant on the strength, agility, and resilience of our producers. It is paramount that our producers are equipped with optimal physical and mental health.

Project start date: 14 April 2023
Project end date: 29 August 2024
Publication date: 18 June 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Lamb
Relevant regions: National, International
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Australia's red meat industry is a vital part of our economic fabric, and the health and wellbeing of the producers are instrumental in its sustained growth. However, these producers face challenges that are markedly distinct from their urban counterparts. Geographic isolation, physically demanding roles, market uncertainties, and diverse responsibilities make their health and wellbeing considerations imperative yet intricate. The project undertook to address the unique challenges faced by Australian red meat producers by discussing their health challenges, gauging their support for a preventative health moving forward as a solution, and analysing the efficacy of a proposed Complete Wellbeing Program for 100 producers over a five-year period, tailored to meet the unique needs and circumstances of MLA members.


  • High level overview of health, wellbeing and state of play for Australian producers; introduction to its impact on productivity, succession planning and innovation adoption.
  • Case study of The Ford Health Index and Complete Wellbeing program – application with non-agribusiness leaders; a sample of agriculture corporate meat producer groups.
  • Introductory pulse check – completion of bespoke workshop/focus group/series of interviews with Australian red meat producers to test key assumptions regarding six sectors.
  • Complete Wellbeing Program and planned stage approach for 100 Producer Stage 2 research initiative.

Key findings

The following items represent the key recurring themes and relevant discussion points from stakeholder interviews and pulse checks:

  • lack of access to preventative health and wellbeing services
  • the need for consistent care v ad-hoc health events and intervention
  • link between health and business performance
  • adaptation of health program data and discussion points for health professionals delivering a program
  • face-to-face vs. digital delivery in the context of rural Australia.

Benefits to industry

Sustainable production growth:

Healthy producers mean a robust and efficient workforce, paving the way to achieve our goal of doubling red meat production by 2030.

Positive industry perception:

By investing in the health of its key players, the industry reinforces its commitment to its people, making the sector more attractive for the next generation.

Enhanced decision making:

Positive medical, mental and physical health allows individuals to improve consistency of quality decision making over time, ensuring that our producers make informed, strategic decisions vital for industry growth.

Thought leadership:

The ongoing program evaluation and data generation from the program will allow stakeholders to define and share how the program is positively influencing the health, business and communities.

MLA action

Consider the development of a preventative health program moving forward as a solution, and analysing the efficacy of a proposed Complete Wellbeing Program for 100 producers over a five-year period, tailored to meet the unique needs and circumstances of MLA members.

Future research

The research underscores the need to consider a 'Complete Wellbeing Program' tailored specifically for MLA Members.

More information

Project manager: Joshua Whelan
Contact email:
Primary researcher: Farmers Health Promotion Collaborative