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Integrated digital connectivity solution using long range wireless high-speed internet link to connect several adjacent properties: Build, commission & test (Stage 2)

Project start date: 10 April 2019
Project end date: 11 December 2024
Project status: In progress
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle
Relevant regions: Queensland


The only available data service for a large proportion of the Australian red meat industry is through satellite services which are over-subscribed and delivering an unsatisfactory internet service in regional and remote areas. Due to the sparse population of Australia and the pastoral rangelands, the unreliable connectivity does not meet the requirements of large cattle stations, which results in increased costs and reduced system performance.

This project will clarify the capacity of a mixed cloud-based connectivity solution to provide reliable connectivity in northern pastoral systems. Connecting data silos and decision support tools will explore the potential value of end to end data connectivity within red meat supply chains to create improved efficiencies and decision making that enables new business models and commercial relationships.


This project aims to

  • offer a road map for what connectivity can do help producers by identifying their connectivity needs and most importantly sharing these learnings for broader industry adoption
  • enable cattle stations to adopt innovative technologies that require bandwidth and connect the paddock and value chain
  • showcase a technology platform that will allow businesses to use industry specific data collection tools, improve safety and entice a whole new range of people to the red meat industry.

Benefits to industry

The expected outcome of this project will increase staff productivity, tool efficiency and livestock control, delivering an immediate return on investment by generating effective management and maintenance procedures in operations.

The combined technology approach will enhance connectivity of stations and staff to other sections of the industry such as feedlots, plants and butcher shops to enable a feedforward of information. This platform will allow the launch of web-based training modules and remote monitoring technology and will increase on-farm communications.

More information

Project manager: John McGuren