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Heavy Steer Market Indicator Information Sheet

The National Heavy Steer Indicator is a seven-day rolling average of eligible steers from all NLRS reported saleyards across Australia. It is expressed in cents per kilogram live weight (¢/kg lwt) and is rounded to two decimal points.

Publication date: 01 July 2022
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grass-fed Cattle
Relevant regions: National


The National Heavy Steer Indicator includes grown steers (castrated males with 4-6 teeth) with muscle score C, fat score 4 and live weight from 500–600kg.


Inform the industry of the specifications of the Heavy Steer Indicator, raise awareness and improve adoption.

Benefits to industry

Inform the industry of the specifications of the Heavy Steer Indicator, raise awareness and improve adoption.

MLA action

Publish to the MLA Prices & Market Webpage.