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Feedlot industry training review

Project start date: 29 January 2020
Project end date: 31 March 2021
Publication date: 02 June 2021
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle
Relevant regions: National


An earlier project, B.FLT.8003 ‘Feedlot Industry Training and Leadership Development Strategy’, developed a blueprint for training requirements, aligned with a career development pathway for personnel within the feedlot sector; to be delivered via a specifically developed industry training portal.

The purpose of this project was to perform an audit of all available education and training materials, training providers and courses available of relevance to the Australian feedlot industry. Utilising developed criteria, external providers of training courses were assessed to determine their suitability for endorsement and listing of their courses on the feedlot industry training portal ‘Feedlot TECH’.

The project outcome was the identification of 11 training providers and 125 suitable courses for inclusion on the training portal.


The main objectives of this project were to:

  • perform an audit of all available education and training materials, training providers and courses available, relevant to the Australian feedlot industry
  • assess all MLA and ALFA resources for suitability for publishing on the Feedlot Industry Training Portal
  • develop criteria and a process to assess external providers of training courses to determine their suitability for endorsement and listing on the Feedlot Industry Training Portal
  • assess training courses using the developed criteria and process and provide recommendations on which training courses are eligible for endorsement on the Feedlot Industry Training Portal, and where they fit within the FCDT Pathway.

Key findings

One of the key objectives of the project was to identify training programs that could facilitate feedlot industry employees through a career development pathway. Eleven (11) training providers and 125 relevant courses, most of which were previously not known to industry, were identified through the conduct of the project.

Part of the review process was to identify where recommended training courses sat within the Feedlots Career Development and Training Pathway. The project provided an assessment of this for each course, identifying relevant departments and roles within the Pathway.

The project also identified a process that could be utilised on an ongoing basis to identify and evaluate relevant courses in the future.

Benefits to industry

A key priority of MLA and ALFA is to provide the Australian cattle feedlot sector, its businesses and current and prospective employees with a clear career development pathway. The project identified suitably qualified training providers and training courses for ALFA/MLA to partner with to deliver the feedlot industry career pathway.

MLA action

MLA provided details of the identified training providers and courses to ALFA. ALFA has subsequently invited the trianing providers to advertise their courses on the training portal.

Related MLA projects

  • B.FLT.8003 Feedlot Industry Training and Leadership Development Strategy
  • B.FLT.8200 Feedlot Training Strategy Implementation
  • B.FLT.8201 Development of Feedlot Industry Training Portal (Sub-Project 1)

Future research

Going forward, MLA and ALFA will undertake this process on a regular basis to identify other training providers and courses that have application in the feedlot industry.

More information

Contact email:
Primary researcher: National Meat Industry Training Advisory Council Limited (MINTRAC)