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F.EVA.1805 - 2020-23 Maintenance and update of GMI/IF model

Corporate services worked to update and improve GMI/IF economic modelling.

Project start date: 31 July 2020
Project end date: 31 August 2023
Publication date: 14 May 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Lamb
Relevant regions: National, International


The key outputs of the project were to provide and update of the existing GMI/IF database and annual projections, which form the basis for MLA's ROI evaluation process. As well, ongoing improvements were delivered as part of the process of enhancing the currency and relevance of the database and model including:
- identification of the United Kingdom as a separate region from the European Union following Brexit
- moving towards the inclusion of a Middle East region to improve analysis of market access issues in-particular.

The project also included interaction with MLA staff as required including the attendance at forecasting workshops and preparation of ad-hoc simulations for MLA staff at short notice e.g. for Market Access.



Update and improve GMI/IF economic model.

Key findings

Ongoing support was delivered and successful.

Benefits to industry

Assists in measuring benefits from MLA investments.

More information

Project manager: George Waldthausen
Contact email:
Primary researcher: Centre For Int'L Economics