E.SUB.0009 - Australian Beef Industry Sustainability Goals Setting

Project start date: 20 September 2022
Project end date: 28 October 2023
Publication date: 03 May 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle
Relevant regions: National



Working with Peak Industry Councils to develop goals/targets across the 24 sustainability priority areas for the Australian beef industry, as approved by RMAC.

The SSG sees setting targets as a natural progression, and the ABSF is in the position to support the process of target setting in order to take the ABSF from a report card to a stronger commitment to sustainable improvement.

The ABSF’s mandate is to help guide industry action on sustainability. Targets will provide a tangible pathway for industry to meet consumer and community expectations. Progress against targets will provide proof of our continuous improvement to stakeholders, and how we can achieve and outperform global goals. The SSG will collaborate with industry to ensure industry sets the agenda and takes control of the process, and that targets are endorsed with an aligned plan to achieve them.

There is a risk that by not having a target, certain standards will be enforced on industry. It is important to show we are making progress, even if we fall short of the target. With increased confidence in data and trends, targets will be based on evidence, carefully considered, and be ambitious, aspirational, and achievable.


This activity will directly result in the sustainability goals and targets for the Australian beef industry, to drive continuous improvement, and guide tracking of indicators and data within the ABSF.

More information

Project manager: Jacob Betros
Contact email: reports@mla.com.au