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Data stocktake, analysis and implementation roadmap

Did you know? A roadmap is being developed to standardise collection of data throughout the Livestock export chain.

Project start date: 01 September 2021
Project end date: 01 February 2022
Project status: In progress
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Goat
Relevant regions: National


Significant amounts of animal welfare and productivity data are collected throughout the livestock export supply chain, from Australian farms to importing facilities overseas. However, this data is often managed through separate or isolated systems that do not allow easy access, comparison, or exchange of information. This creates costly inefficiencies, reduced capacity to collaborate, and loss of opportunities to make improvements across the whole of the supply chain.

It is a priority for the livestock export industry (producers and exporters) to better use the information to drive animal welfare, supply chain efficiency and business profitability improvements through benchmarking, supply chain data sharing, reporting of performance to the community, and supporting evidence-based regulation.

This project will carry out a stocktake to understand how data is currently being collected through the supply chain and how it can be more connected so that participants can use it to make informed business management decisions.


The objectives of this project are to:

  • Undertake a stocktake of the current data landscape for project stakeholders within the livestock export supply chain (from farm to in-market).
  • Undertake analysis to determine what data or information supply chain participants need, want or value to improve animal welfare, supply chain efficiency and business profitability.
  • Create a plan to identify what data should be collected and for what purposes.
  • Determine what data should be the focus for standardisation to bring together industry and supply chain user benefit.
  • Determine the issues or potential roadblocks that need to be overcome to enable data to be standardised, collected, aggregated, analysed, shared and used across the supply chain.

Create a change management plan and roadmap for implementation of the data plan.

Benefits to industry

An organised and comprehensive data system will help identify opportunities to exchange data throughout the supply chain efficiently and support increased animal welfare, supply chain efficiency, and business profitability.

More information

Project manager: Nick Baker
Contact email:
Primary researcher: KPMG