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D.DFS.2023 - Domestic Foodservice NPD

Project start date: 01 July 2022
Project end date: 30 June 2024
Publication date: 05 February 2024
Project status: In progress


Collaborate to develop and launch “on trend” red meat NPD Integrations across HORECA:  Catering (2), FSR (2), QSR (1).
Engage key foodservice operators to understand their business, learn their challenges & levels of  interest.
NPD Think Tank Session / (MLA / Client) Kitchen for presentation / demonstration of ideas.
Support in advisory capacity from red meat concept development to market.


Collaborate to develop and launch “on trend” red meat NPD Integrations across HORECA:  Catering (2), FSR (2), QSR (1).
Engage key foodservice operators to understand their business, learn their challenges & levels of interest.
NPD Think Tank Session / (MLA / Client) Kitchen for presentation / demonstration of ideas.
Support in advisory capacity from red meat concept development to market.

More information

Project manager: Samuel Burke
Contact email: