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CMA National GiG Roadshow FY 13/14

That of the 1.5 million goats slaughtered annually, approximately 90% are rangeland goats?

Project start date: 30 June 2013
Project end date: 29 June 2014
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Goat
Relevant regions: National


Going into goats produced a best-practice guide that addresses the specific production issues encountered by prospective and established rangeland goat producers - the Going into Goats Practical guide to producing goats in the rangelands (GiG Guide Rangeland Module). This CMA supported the delivery of the new GiG Guide Rangelands Management module to producers and broader industry via a series of regional seminars and practical demonstrations, where practical, that outlines the module and other relevant topics related to its implementation i.e. nutrition, genetic management, cost of production, invasive animal control and PDS opportunities.

Benefits to industry

Improving the productivity and profitability of the rangeland goat production sector promises to deliver the most significant benefit to the broader industry and flow on benefits for other non-rangeland goat producers through the creation of a more robust and resilient industry.

More information

Project manager: Felice Driver
Contact email: