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CMA: FY19/20 goat industry expenses

MLA consults with the Goat Industry Research, Development and Adoption Committee (GIRDAC) to ensure investment reflects industry needs and priorities. The committee plays an advisory role and makes recommendations for RD&A.

Project start date: 01 July 2019
Project end date: 30 June 2019
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Goat
Relevant regions: National


This CMA project is an allocation to cover the costs associated with consultation and adoption activities, printing and distribution of documents and project management. The CMA funds member sitting fees, travel and accommodation expenses for GIRDAC, field day expenses, the annual GIDG field day and the printing and distribution of information and promotional materials.

Benefits to industry

This CMA funds adoption activities for the goat industry and the costs associated with research and adoption consultation.

More information

Project manager: Emily Litzow
Contact email: