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CMA: Cloud based data logger with GPS trials (international supply chain)

There are numerous cold chain monitoring devices available, and benefits in tracking the cold chain, if you use one that suits your business and it's easy to implement.

Project start date: 31 May 2019
Project end date: 29 June 2021
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Goat
Relevant regions: National, International


MLA funded numerous trials with processors using various data loggers available on the market for their usability, training requirements, and ease of analysing the data through the shelf-life calculator. The concept of actively monitoring and managing the cold chain was explored.


To trial currently existing cold chain monitoring technology.

Key findings

Data is available 24/7, compared to current USB loggers which need to be downloaded.
This gives the user options when something goes wrong and being informed during transit, and not wait till the customer makes a complaint. A very easy process change, and easy-to-use platform.

Benefits to industry

Proof of concept for currently available real-time data loggers for cold chain monitoring technology.

MLA action

Partner with supply chain partners to trial the tested real time loggers.

Future research

A commercial trial using technology for cold chain tracking and monitor its benefits.

More information

Project manager: Long Huynh
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