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CMA 19/20: Live Export Student Development

MLA supports undergraduate veterinary and agricultural students to participate in the LiveCorp Accredited Stockpersons training course.

Project start date: 30 June 2019
Project end date: 29 June 2020
Project status: Completed
Relevant regions: National, International


This project implemented and supported the long running and well-regarded scholarship program which allows undergraduate veterinary and agricultural students in Australia to apply for a scholarship with a value of up to $15,000 to participate in the LiveCorp Accredited Stockpersons training course and complete a small research or operational project on a topic relevant to livestock export.
The scholarships are awarded to three or four participants on a competitive basis; the applicants' submissions are judged by representatives of the joint MLA and LiveCorp Livestock Export Program (LEP) in conjunction with the Australian Livestock Exporters' Council (ALEC).
Upon completion of the scholarship requirements, students provide a written report detailing their learning experience and outlining benefits to the industry or further research recommendations.

Benefits to industry

Students will gain exposure to the livestock export industry and complete a research or operational project on a topic relevant to livestock export that will benefit the industry.

More information

Project manager: Sharon Dundon
Contact email: