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B.GOA.1906 - Goat Industry TRAIL Program Scholarships 2019-2021

Goat producers will be able to undertake the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation TRAIL Program?

Project start date: 14 January 2019
Project end date: 29 September 2023
Publication date: 15 May 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Goat
Relevant regions: National


This project will fund scholarships for six goat producer candidates to undertake the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation TRAIL Program courses held in 2019–2021 (two per year). Candidates will be required to make a written application with the two most worthy receiving a scholarship each year. Due to lack of interest and low number of quality applications for the GICA Trail Scholarship positions, GIRDAC has decided to terminate the two outstanding TRAIL applications.


MLA and GICA advertised for applicants from the goat sector to undertake the course. MLA consulted with GICA in making the final determination on the candidates, utilising the completed TRAIL Program application form as the basis for selection of successful candidates. Candidates reported on their experiences with the course and its relevance to the future of their business. Reports were subsequently published in Goats on the Move.

Key findings

- Two applicants have successfully completed the program
- Two positions were rolled over and will be filled in the October 2021 course.

Benefits to industry

Recipients of the scholarship were actively involved in media promoting further courses. Recipients were also encouraged, where possible to attend producer meetings in their local areas to help promote the goat industry and the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation TRAIL courses.

MLA action

MLA, under advice from GIRDAC decided to terminate the two outstanding GICA TRAIL applications due to lack of interest and low number of quality applications.

Future research

The Goat Industry TRAIL Program Scholarships have not been continued.

More information

Project manager: Melanie Smith
Contact email:
Primary researcher: Australian Rural Leadership Foundation