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B.GOA.1807 - Australian Goat Industry Leadership Project

To ensure the long-term sustainability of the Australian goat industry it is imperative that industry leaders have an appropriate governance framework and leadership development program?

Project start date: 31 December 2017
Project end date: 31 May 2023
Publication date: 16 May 2024
Project status: Terminated
Livestock species: Goat
Relevant regions: National


GICA is uniquely placed to deliver this project as the Peak Industry Council for the goat industry (as prescribed in the Australian Meat and Livestock Industry Act 1997). GICA has linkages to a broad range of industry stakeholders across diverse production regions, state farming organisations, Federal & State Government, Animal Health Australia (AHA), National Residue Scheme (NRS), Safemeat, Red Meat Advisory Council (RMAC) and other regional and national groups and committees that relate to the Australian goat industry.


The objective of this project is to assist the Goat Industry Council of Australia (GICA) in the development and implementation of an appropriate governance framework that enhances the capacity and effectiveness of the goat industry’s leadership.

Key findings

Development and implementation of an appropriate governance framework for the Australian goat industry including,
- GICA’S existing governance systems will be reviewed and where appropriate independent professional advice will be provided on making improvements.
- The leadership skills required for effective governance of GICA will be identified and GICA’S constitution will have evolved to effect any required changes.
- GICA has successfully implemented all other key governance recommendations as per independent analysis and review.
- Elected GICA industry leaders have participated in a MLA initiated advocacy and communications training session.
- A measurement and evaluation framework will be in place to quantify the impact of the leadership project.

Benefits to industry

Investing directly in the development of an appropriate governance framework is necessary to ensure there is a diverse base of skills and knowledge to provide guidance on behalf of the goat industry, advocacy on behalf of the goat industry and for MLA to engage and consult with.

MLA action

MLA terminated this project due to funds being redirected to other goat industry activities.

Future research

Long term benefit to all goat levy payers can be delivered through a governance framework that enhances the capacity of the goat industry and provides a foundation for skilled leadership into the future.

More information

Project manager: Joe Gebbels
Contact email:
Primary researcher: Goat Industry Council of Australia