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B.GBP.0062 - NB2: Program review

The Northern Breeding Business (NB2) program is addressing the sustainability of northern Australian beef herds through research and adoption projects.

Project start date: 15 November 2022
Project end date: 13 July 2023
Publication date: 09 April 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grass-fed Cattle
Relevant regions: Northern Australia
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The Northern Breeding Business (NB2) program is addressing the sustainability of northern Australian beef herds through research and adoption projects that include investigating calf survival, improving business profitability and increasing the adoption of proven management practices and technology in Northern Australia beef herds. The NB2 research and adoption projects will, in the first instance, improve the long-term profitability of beef businesses by improving calf survival and breeder reproduction and by increasing the body weight of cattle sold. The pathways to practice project is an adoption model that involves producer led groups of up to 12 beef businesses that address poor adoption of known research and development outcomes for their business through peer-to-peer learning and business analysis. The Northern Beef Business program was initiated by the North Australia Beef Research Council (NABRC) and Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA).

The NB2 program is in the second year of operation. The research and adoption activities during this period have been successful in meeting contractual outcomes.
To maximise impact and success of the NB2 program, the North Australian Beef Research Council has considered the functioning of the NB2 program and suggested the program could have a greater impact in Northern Australia compared with the impact of the current delivered outcomes.

As such MLA sought to review the current NB2 program to ensure that future activities and program structure can deliver the intended benefits to industry.


Undertake a review of the structure and governance of the pathways to practice project and make recommendations to improve the governance and delivery of the project.

Key findings

Nine key recommendations were acted on.

Benefits to industry

This governance review was intended to provide transparency around the evaluation and monitoring of the Northern Breeding Business Pathways to Practice project. Key recommendations from this review have been implemented and improve the delivery of the program for the future groups.

MLA action

Recommendations have been addressed and implemented into the program for future groups.

Future research


More information

Project manager: Tony Parker
Contact email:
Primary researcher: Ralph Shannon Consulting