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Adjacent paddock feeding discussion paper | 2023

Project start date: 07 July 2021
Project end date: 15 September 2021
Publication date: 23 July 2021
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle
Relevant regions: National


During times of drought, many beef producers implement their drought mitigation plan through destocking to manage livestock welfare, and conserve land and water resources. Destocking can at times place pressure on other supply chain participants such as feedlots and processors.

Current industry intelligence indicates that feedlots in drought declared regions are increasingly using land adjacent to the feedlot for feeding cattle in preparation for entering the feedlot. The cattle are usually fed rations prepared by the feedlot. Land adjacent to the feedlot is also being used for backgrounding and pre-preparation of cattle prior to feedlot entry. This husbandry method is increasing in use, assists animal health and welfare, and is not necessarily restricted to times of drought.

The Australian Lot Feeders' Association (ALFA) is seeking a discussion paper to better inform industry of the extent, implications and possible options to manage issues that may arise from drought feeding, and/or backgrounding and pre-preparing feeder cattle on land adjacent to the feedlot controlled drainage area.


The aim of this project was to develop a discussion paper on adjacent paddock feeding, for consideration by the feedlot industry, that addresses the following criteria:

  • assess whether any activities associated with backgrounding and pre-preparing feeder cattle on land adjacent to an NFAS accredited feedlot could give rise to animal welfare, environment, biosecurity, sustainability and public perception concerns
  • determine the state/federal laws and departments in QLD, WA, NSW, Vic, and SA that currently regulate the environmental performance of intensive paddock feeding operations, the practical applications and what this means to an operator
  • determine if and how the existing regulatory frameworks are being exercised
  • undertake a risk assessment around the current regulatory framework with respect to meeting stakeholder expectations
  • consider and present potential options for the feedlot industry to manage issues associated with backgrounding and pre-preparing feeder cattle in paddocks adjacent to the feedlot footprint; including but not limited to whether programs such as NFAS, LPA, Fodder-Fed, etc. could or should reference appropriate standards around this activity
  • consider and present potential options for the regulatory agencies to manage paddock feeding adjacent to/outside the feedlot footprint.

Key findings

A range of recommendations and discussion points have made available to the Australian Lot Feeders' Association for internal determination.

Benefits to industry

Key benefits from this project is an independent review provided to the Australian Lot Feeders Association on the status of backgrounding adjacent to NFAS feedlots. This will inform the extent, implications and possible options to manage issues that may arise from drought feeding, and/or backgrounding and pre-preparing feeder cattle on land adjacent to the feedlot controlled drainage area.

MLA action

MLA is awaiting guidance from the Australian Lot Feeders' Association if research and development in backgrounding systems is a priority for the industry.

More information

Contact email:
Primary researcher: Scolexia Pty Ltd