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W.LIV.2001-Data Pipeline & LIVEXCollect Technology Development

The livestock export industry uses an integrated data collection software and a mobile phone application to collect animal welfare information for all livestock export voyages.

Project start date: 14 November 2018
Project end date: 31 October 2020
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Goat
Relevant regions: International


This project expedited and refined the smartphone mobile application (app) for LIVEXCollect - a centralised database with data analysis tools and a user interface platform. The app was enhanced and extended across industry as a standardised data collection tool and is an integral tool for reporting and assessing animal welfare beyond mortality. These tools provide for a data collection, analysis and reporting system that is more efficient, standardised and valuable than the previous regulator-managed framework. This project enhances the live export industries’ accountability and transparency.


This project aimed to develop a mobile phone application compatible with LIVEXCollect data collection software and to standardise the language and data capture for voyages to ensure that it is reliable, repeatable, accurate and includes all required welfare measures.

Benefits to industry

A tool to capture standardised data that can be aggregated, interrogated, analysed and reported helps to increase industry accountability and transparency.

Future research

Refinements and regular updates to the app will be ongoing.

More information

Project manager: Sharon Dundon
Contact email: