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V.ISC.2022 - ISC Awareness and opinion gathering activities for 2020 - 22

Integrity Systems Company (ISC) is responsible for delivering this world leading red meat integrity system, managing and delivering the industry’s on-farm assurance and through-chain traceability programs.

Project start date: 14 June 2020
Project end date: 29 March 2023
Publication date: 24 January 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Lamb
Relevant regions: National


The purpose of this project is to support the delivery of the ISC communication and adoption monitoring, evaluation, reporting and improvement (MERI) plan through delivery of the 2020 and 2021 data gathering activities (online and phone surveys and a series of in-depth interviews) which will capture data from producers, value chain partners and key stakeholders around awareness, understanding, perception of value, adoption and compliance (where relevant) of ISC, the integrity system and core integrity programs.


The overarching objective of the project is to gather data from a range of target audiences to measure performance against stated objectives and KPI’s for ISC, the integrity system and a range of integrity programs as outlined in the ISC MERI Plan. The project will target a broad range of meat and livestock industry stakeholders and involve a range of measurement approaches to gather data including the following research activities:
- comprehensive producer survey
- value chain partner survey
- stakeholder, regulator and customer interviews.

Key findings

Overall awareness of ISC continue to grow, but scope remains to increase the recognition that ISC manages the integrity systems.

More information

Project manager: Gillian Praeger
Contact email: