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V.SRP.0002-DTS: Diathermic Syncope®: preparation of dossier for regulatory approval

DTS: Diathermic Syncope® is the first new method of cattle stunning for decades?

Project start date: 11 February 2021
Project end date: 30 September 2022
Publication date: 02 December 2022
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle
Relevant regions: National
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This project aimed to prepare a dossier of information pertaining to the development of DTS: Diathermic Syncope®, that would be suited to submission to multiple Regulatory Authorities for approval of the technology. Overall integration of the findings of all studies indicated that 100% insensibility was achieved when the desired energy package was delivered. The animal stunned using DTS can also return to consciousness, so this method of stunning is likely to be acceptable to the Halal and Kosher markets. Approval to use the DTS: Diathermic Syncope® technology under an Approved Arrangement in the Australian meat industry was obtained


  • To collate the research outputs pertaining to DTS in a format suitable for submission to regulatory authorities.
  • To submit the dossier to DAWE and respond to any requests for further information.
  • Prepare a dossier for submission to the European Food Safety Authority.

Key findings

  • DTS is an effective means of inducing insensibility in cattle, with a duration of insensibility suited to exsanguination using the Halal cut.
  • The stun is effective in heavy animals and bulls, which currently pose challenges to processors using percussive stunning.
  • To date, no evidence of blood splash or ecchymosis has been encountered in any of the carcases processed.
  • The animal stunned using DTS can also return to consciousness, so this method of stunning is likely to be acceptable to the Halal and Kosher markets.

Benefits to industry

DTS: Diathermic Syncope® has been approved by DAWE in Australia. The dossier is suitable for submission in Europe and other jurisdictions to gain approval for this method of stunning. An additional method of stunning may be of benefit to the industry in cases where the existing methods of stunning are considered problematic for religious reasons.

MLA action

MLA will encourage the dossier to be used to gain regulatory and religious approval for the DTS: Diathermic Syncope® method of stunning.

More information

Project manager: Ian Jenson
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