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W.IAW.2102 - Stunning training for abattoir workers 2021

Project start date: 19 May 2020
Project end date: 29 June 2022
Publication date: 13 February 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grass-fed Cattle
Relevant regions: International
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  • PPU Abattoir to provide stunning and halal slaughter training. In accordance with Halal Law, Majelis
    Ulama Indonesia (MUI) will provide the evaluation of Halal Slaughter.
  • Training is on-site with two components: theoretical training and followed by practices.
  • PPU Abattoir will issue a stunning certificate for those that passed the evaluation and MUI to
    issue the Halal Slaughterman certificate.
  • PPU Abattoir to provide other type of training; butcher training, product knowledge training and off-site stunning training if requested.


  • Improve the skills and knowledge of participants in terms of stunning and Halal Slaughter
  • Improve the skills and knowledge of participants in term of butchery and beef knowledge (if requested).
  • Increase productivity and efficiency in daily operations in slaughterhouses.

Key findings

Fifteen successful participants in stunning operation.

Benefits to industry

Provide skilled and knowledgeable personnel in stunning operation to support the implementation of animal welfare best practices.

MLA action

Continue the project in FY23.

More information

Project manager: Helen Fadma
Contact email: