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W.CFP.2201 - Co-funding - UAE - Retwa - Eid management plan

LEP's co-funding program delivered a project with an Australian exporter to reduce risks of ESCAS non-compliance over the Eid period in the UAE.

Project start date: 19 October 2021
Project end date: 26 June 2022
Publication date: 21 March 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep
Relevant regions: International


Eid Al Adha festival in the Middle East is considered by exporters, industry and the Australian Department of Agriculture to be a high risk period for the welfare of Australian sheep supplied to the region.

Loss of control and traceability (leakage) and poor handling of animals in the supply chain is most often the cause of unacceptable welfare outcomes arising during this period.

A technical resource was placed in the UAE in the lead up to Eid 2021 to undertake risk assessments, training, infrastructure improvements, provide supply chains guidance about their requirements and risk mitigating strategies.


  • To ensure that the UAE supply chain had the capacity to manage animal welfare and deliver satisfactory outcomes for Australian sheep over the Eid in the UAE.
  • To deliver an Eid Plan that has cooperative support from all supply chain participants who understand the importance of providing acceptable animal welfare outcomes for the betterment of their businesses and to give the Australian Government the confidence that exporters and importers can deliver on welfare expectations during religious festivals.

Key findings

  • Relatively smooth operations during Eid.
  • No major non-compliances reported during Eid (some non-compliances raised prior to Eid).
  • Heat stress was carefully handled.

Benefits to industry

  • The leakage incident highlighted the need for a review of Eid practices in the UAE for 2022 onwards.
  • Heat Stress in sheep from handling is a critical issue for industry and the need to have sound heat stress planning and risk mitigation strategies incorporated into Eid management plans – further work needed in the future.
  • Broader acceptance by participants in the supply chain of their animal welfare responsibilities at Eid time without foreign supervision (by the exporter) is growing and this is encouraging.

MLA action

MLA has continued to support the Eid programs as a means of reducing the risk of major non-compliance during a heightened risk period in markets which traditionally celebrate Eid.

Future research

  • Review of plans for 2022 Eid.
  • Promotion of carcase only sales as much as possible.

More information

Project manager: Spencer Whitaker
Contact email: