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V.ISC.2114 - V.ISC.2114 - Australian AgriFood Data Exchange Phase 2 and 3

The Australian AgriFood Data Exchange (AAFDX) is an initiative designed to enable participants to share, discover, merge and re-use data from disparate systems in a secure cloud environments.

Project start date: 21 January 2021
Project end date: 30 December 2023
Publication date: 30 January 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Lamb
Relevant regions: National


The AAFDX project presents an opportunity to form the foundational digital infrastructure for the Australian Agrifood industry to enhance industry collaboration, enable a national utility and service for biosecurity and compliance, and allow Australia to keep pace with other leading international Agrifood industries.


The AAFDX project seeks to define and articulate the business case for investment in an industry owned data exchange. The AAFDX project was an ambitious, complex, multi-year, multi-phased program requiring significant investment to bring the vision to life and build confidence for supporters.

Key findings

There is no simple single, easy to use data ecosystem in Australia which supports primary producers from across all agricultural industries and other value chain participants in exchanging their data efficiently on agreed terms. Establishing the AAFDX represents an opportunity to break down information silos and boost productivity, innovation, and sector profitability. Deferring this investment will result in the Australian Agrifood sector potentially losing its competitive edge in the international market.

Benefits to industry

By enabling Agrifood industry data owners to direct and control what data they would like to share and with whom, the AAFDX could support users in unlocking the value from their data, enabling fluid collaboration up and down the supply chain.

MLA action

MLA has played the lead role in coordinating the co-investment funds and IP management for the project supporters of the AAFDX.

Future research

Phase 4 of the Australian Agricultural Data Exchange (AADX) project will focus on the establishment of the Minimal Viable Product (MVP) of the data exchange.

More information

Project manager: Angelica Pickup
Contact email: