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P.PSH.2137 - Survey of Australian goat producers’ use of KIDPLAN

Goat producers including seedstock and commercial producers requested changes to KIDPLAN that ranged from easier access to a revisit and re-calculation of estimated breeding values (EBVs) and selection indexes, respectively?

Project start date: 30 November 2021
Project end date: 14 November 2022
Publication date: 16 May 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Goat
Relevant regions: National
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The project evaluated the understanding of, and impediments to the use of KIDPLAN amongst seedstock breeders and producers of goats in Australia. Information was collected from breeders and producers via a questionnaire. The answers provided will allow MLA to revisit and refine their strategy around the implementation of and further development of KIDPLAN.


This research aimed to:
I. identify the barriers that prevent the use of KIDPLAN among Australian goat producers and seedstock breeders
II. identify potential needs that the Australian goat industry might have that could be addressed by MLA.

Key findings

The following were key findings from the project:
• The major response was that KIDPLAN needs to be more goat focused and Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) and indexes based on commercial production parameters needs to be developed.
• Goats should have a more prominent landing page/focus by MLA.
• An interphase that allows goat breeding societies’ data to be imported effortlessly into KIDPLAN needs to be developed.
• Producers indicate that they would appreciate more information (via webinars, farmers’ days, etc) around goat genetics and production management practices (e.g., to increase kid survivability).
• More information around suitable goat medication be provided.

Benefits to industry

• if implicated, goats will gain more prominence within MLA
• KIDPLAN will become of more value to both the seedstock producers and their clients
• more science-based information will be passed onto producers.

MLA action

MLA will revisit and refine the strategy around the implementation of KIDPLAN.

Future research

EBVs and indexes be re-visited/calculated and that they be more goat orientated.
• That scientific proof be provided that showed which breed and crosses were superior or not.
In the future, research should focus on:
• on-farm kid survivability
• medication for goats be conducted
• more informative resources for goat producers.

More information

Project manager: Joe Gebbels
Contact email:
Primary researcher: University of Queensland Research