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L.PGS.2106 - PGS SLP Delivery Grazing Matcher WA

Grazing Matcher is a supported learning package for the PGS program.

Project start date: 14 April 2021
Project end date: 29 September 2022
Publication date: 17 May 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Lamb
Relevant regions: Western Australia


Grazing Matcher TM is a SLP that has been developed for WA and will run for eight sessions over 12-month timeframe, as outlined in the SLP application. Grazing Matcher TM aims to improve productivity and profitability/resilience of red meat producers by enabling them to utilize their pasture more efficiently


Grazing Matcher™ is a SLP that has been developed by Martin Staines, Dan Parnell and Jeisane Accioly and will run for eight sessions over 12-month timeframe.

Benefits to industry

Profitable Grazing Systems impact that participating producers, on average receive a return of $17.47/ha due to the adoption of management practices.

More information

Project manager: Elizabeth Thelander
Contact email:
Primary researcher: Accioly Livestock Industry Services