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L.PGS.2051 - Delivery of PGS Supported Learning Project Systems - Managing People for Success

Profitable Grazing Systems is a long term practice change program.

Project start date: 29 September 2019
Project end date: 14 November 2022
Publication date: 17 May 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Lamb
Relevant regions: Western Australia


Profitable Grazing Systems (PGS) is an MLA adoption program which will drive measurable, improved business performance outcomes for participating red meat producers. This supported learning project (SLP) which is called ‘Managing People for Success’.


Rural Edge Australia proposes to deliver it’s approved PGS package ‘Managing People for Success’ in Western Australia but are requiring additional time to meet the objectives of the PGS program.

Benefits to industry

Profitable Grazing Systems impact that participating producers, on average receive a return of $17.47/ha due to the adoption of management practices.

More information

Project manager: Elizabeth Thelander
Contact email:
Primary researcher: Rural Edge Australia Inc