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L.PDN.1701 - Development of an accreditation scheme for lay spayers using the Dropped Ovary Technique (DOT)

The dropped ovary technique is a method used for spaying cattle.

Project start date: 14 May 2017
Project end date: 29 September 2022
Publication date: 15 May 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle
Relevant regions: National


This project is to provide for the development of the accreditation system required for the registration of lay spayers, which will comply with expected changes to State and Territory legislation to give effect to the Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Cattle in relation to spaying using the Willis method.


The accreditation scheme will enable accreditation of lay spayers using the training and assessment systems developed and trialled in the previous lay spayer related projects. Due to the nature of the project, variations to requirements and timelines have been necessary to accommodate decisions made by the Steering Committee to deal with the evolving implications of such a scheme.

Key findings

An online course has been made available, which teaches students how to plan, prepare and safely conduct cattle spaying using the Willis Dropped Ovary Procedure. Once the course is complete, students will receive a statement of attainment, and can then apply for lay spaying accreditation.

Benefits to industry

The accreditation scheme framework has been developed by the beef cattle industry including Cattle Australia, Meat & Livestock Australia and AgForce. The scheme is not for profit and is operated on behalf of the cattle industry. The scheme is supervised by the Scheme Oversight Committee and approved under legislation by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.

MLA action

MLA will publish this online summary on its R&D reports webpage.

Future research

The accreditation system developed from this project will continually be updated alongside animal welfare guidelines. The cattle spaying course is linked to this page.

More information

Project manager: Alana Boulton
Contact email:
Primary researcher: AgForce Queensland Farmers Ltd