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L.MSG.1807 - MSA 2018 Model Software Development

The outcome of this project allows all stakeholders from producers, processors and brand owners to access and utilise the latest eating quality science.

Project start date: 31 January 2018
Project end date: 29 June 2022
Publication date: 17 January 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle
Relevant regions: National


This project provided developmental support for the delivery and implementation of the 2018 MSA Beef model.


Support and maintenance activities included:
- new MLA server requirements
- new model algorithm development/mockup
- enhancements to existing myMSA system
- testing with industry participants – two industry processors with skills and system to implement quickly for testing
- DCU application redevelopment for new model
roll out to plants – information sessions and technical expertise
- train and work with processors/system vendors (10 month adoption phase)
- users and member functionality changeover on decommission of old servers and archive old myMSA system.

Key findings

Upgrade to MyMSA system.

Benefits to industry

Updated MSA system available for industry.

MLA action

This online summary will be published on the MLA R&D website.

Future research

Ongoing support and future development of the MSA model will be required based on research outcomes and IT/MLA requirements.

For more information

Contact Project Manager: Janine Lau
