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L.GFB.2101 - FutureBeef website content review - Final Report

The FutureBeef website has over 700 pages of information developed for northern beef producers to further their knowledge. Webinars, online tools and resources are also available through the FutureBeef platform.

Project start date: 09 February 2021
Project end date: 09 August 2022
Publication date: 16 May 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grass-fed Cattle
Relevant regions: Northern Australia
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FutureBeef is a key source of open-access online information for beef producers in northern Australia. Developed between MLA and the state governments in Queensland, NT and WA, the FutureBeef website is home to over 700 webpages and supporting information (links, files). Following a user survey, it was determined that the website and resources should be reviewed for accuracy, currency and reliability of information.


The two key tasks of this project were to:
• critically review the technical content of the FutureBeef webpages to identify information that is misleading, out-of-date or in some other way requiring amendment
• to propose an improved system of navigating the website and searching for information.

Key findings

The reviewers found that the quality of information on the website was overall high. There was little considered misleading, though there were minor issues to correct in one third of the pages. A new structure was proposed to make searching easier, including the use of categories and keywords associated with the content on the site.

Benefits to industry

The FutureBeef website is the main source of online information for producers, extension officers and advisors across the north Australian beef industry. Setting up and maintaining this service has been a major achievement. This project will help to update the website, guarantee the reliability of the information and make searching easier.

MLA action

The main recommendation was that the scope of extension material and research reports be enlarged, with an effort to source more pages from the Northern Territory, Western Australia, CSIRO, the university sector, landcare groups and producer organisations, all of which are under-represented compared to the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. It is proposed that FutureBeef be proactive in requesting material to fill knowledge gaps and be prepared to regularly cull less important pages so the size of the website does not grow beyond manageable levels. MLA will continue to invest in the FutureBeef website in partnership with the state agencies.

Future research

Website/content review and maintenance will form a key component of future projects related to Future Beef. MLA plays a role as part of the operational team in this process.

More information

Project manager: Harriet Bawden
Contact email:
Primary researcher: Neil MacDonald