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Sheep Genetics Database Re-development - Phase 2

The Sheep Genetics database has been further improved to create a more efficient system for accessing and recording breeding values.

Project start date: 10 January 2022
Project end date: 27 September 2021
Publication date: 19 October 2022
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Lamb
Relevant regions: National


Sheep Genetics (SG) and MLA either manage, fund or interact with at least six databases, which contain sheep pedigree, data and genotypes. These databases have different design and architecture creating a number of key risks to SG and MLA.


The key objectives of Phase 2 of the Sheep Genetics database re-development included:
- development of data import systems to upload information to the central data-warehouse
- implement ways to export data so that it can be sent for genetic analysis
- create result files so that information can be uploaded into farm software
- ensure that existing tools such as MateSel are able to be maintained on their current infrastructure
- integrate the above functionality with the Sheep Genetics search site that was developed as part of L.GEN.1904.

Key findings

The objectives of the Database Re-development Phase 2 project have been met. Alongside the work that was conducted as part of Phase 3, the re-development of the Sheep Genetics database systems formed part of the 2022 Sheep Genetics Analysis enhancements.

Benefits to industry

Conducting a database re-development will not only significantly improve the current SG databases and system; it will also play an integral part of future proofing the SG evaluation. This includes improving the inclusion of additional datasets, growth and genomic information and pipeline and continual analysis improvement. It will also enable alignment with the principles and technical design of the MLA data platform.

MLA action

MLA continues to re-develop and improve the Sheep Genetics website and databases with further phases currently being implemented.

Future research

Continual development of the Sheep Genetics website and database will take place to ensure improvements benefit the industry and its stakeholders.


For more information

Contact Project Manager: Peta Bradley 
