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PCA event coordination for 2019 EEQ series and Beef Industry Breakfasts (2019-2020)

PCA event coordination for 2019 EEQ series and Beef Industry Breakfasts (2019-2020).

Project start date: 12 September 2019
Project end date: 29 December 2021
Publication date: 01 July 2022
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Lamb
Relevant regions: National


This project was undertaken to engage a consultant to provide support and services to deliver two established MLA events – Beef Industry Breakfasts and MSA excellence in eating quality series. Six MSA producer award events were conducted across Australia, two Beef Industry Breakfasts in Brisbane and one MLA-AgForce event in Mt Isa. The events provided an opportunity for MLA to showcase project outcomes and other consultation activities to targeted groups of industry stakeholders and members as well as working with regionally based organisations. A wide cross section of industry stakeholders was engaged in the events from processors, producers, corporate agriculture, media, and government.


The objectives of the project were to successfully deliver:
• Two beef industry breakfast event and one MLA-AgForce industry lunch for the financial year 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020.
• Two beef industry breakfast events and one MLA-AgForce industry lunch for the financial year 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021.
• Six MSA producer forums and awards:
September 10 – Biloela, Qld
September 12 – Wagga Wagga, NSW
September 17 – Daylesford, Vic
September 19 – Wynyard, Tas
October 1 – Naracoorte, SA
October 2 – Harvey WA.
• Provide assistance in the scoping and execution of the MLA Beef Industry Train

Key findings

The personal invitation approach for promoting the breakfast and lunches works well for the target audience.
The beef industry breakfast venues are intentionally chosen to showcase Brisbane, the river city. The venues add value to the event and showcase MLA’s professionalism and value they place on their corporate and city-based industry stakeholders.
The practice session for the facilitator and all speakers the afternoon and evening prior to the event, provides the ideal opportunity for all to understand each other’s topics and creates a ‘polished’ event that flows well.
MSA excellence in eating quality series held across the six states ensures the delivery of timely and regionally relevant information. Award recipients appreciate the ceremony being held in their regional area which is demonstrated by the excellent attendance levels of all award recipients. The choice of locations is also relevant to the production areas of each State.
MLA Beef Industry Train scoping illustrated this could be a worthwhile activity for PC&A team workshops and training. The cost for staff to meet and travel on the train is comparable to travelling and meeting in a common venue. An additional benefit would be staff being exposed to a range of production systems and the opportunity to meet with industry stakeholders along the journey.

Benefits to industry

All events were planned and delivered to ensure MLA is seen as an industry-relevant and professional organisation. The events provided timely and relevant information on on-going MLA funded research. The events provided networking opportunities that build relationships between industry stakeholders offering educational and relationship building benefits for both MLA and industry.

MLA action

MLA continue to promote the personal invitation approach for promoting the breakfast and lunches which work well for the target audiences.
MLA continue to showcase Brisbane, the river city as the venues add value to the event and showcase MLA’s professionalism and value they place on their corporate and city-based industry stakeholders.
The practice session for the facilitator and all speakers the afternoon and evening prior to the event be continued as they provide the ideal opportunity for all to understand each other’s topics and creates a ‘polished’ event that flows well.
Planning is underway for the next beef industry breakfast to be held at Customs House, Brisbane in the second half of September 2021.
MSA continues support of the excellence in eating quality series held across the six states to ensure the delivery of timely and regionally relevant information. Award recipients appreciate the ceremony being held in their regional area which is demonstrated by the excellent attendance levels of all award recipients.
Planning is underway for the 2021 MSA Excellence in eating quality series. The proposed dates and locations are:
September 21 – Margaret River, WA
September 23 – Robe, SA
September 28 –Albury/Wodonga, Vic
September 30 – Launceston, Tas
October 12 – Roma, Qld
October 14 – Armidale, NSW
After development of the Project Scope Statement, it was decided to put the MLA beef industry train 2020 on hold due to budget constraints. COVID 19 restrictions has also created uncertainty around the success of this activity. It is unlikely that this activity can now been justified in its original format but has potential for team workshops and training.

Future research

It is recommended that the MSA Excellence in eating quality series, the beef industry breakfasts and the regional lunches continue to be supported as they provide value to industry stakeholders at targeted regions around Australia.


For more information

Contact Project Manager: Nigel Tomkins
