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P.PSH.1255 - Provenance, visibility and traceability solution for the Australian-USA Red meat supply chain

Terminated contract – no milestones delivered.

Project start date: 24 May 2020
Project end date: 03 August 2021
Publication date: 30 April 2024
Project status: Terminated
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Lamb
Relevant regions: National, International
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AUS to USA provenance traceability – no milestones delivered.


The objective of this project is to deliver end-to-end supply chain traceability from paddock to plate. From an Australian farm to a US end-consumer. Using Aglive’s existing supply chain partnerships, we intend to extend to protect products along the length of its supply chain journey.

Key findings

Not applicable as project did not proceed.

Benefits to industry

No benefits delivered.

MLA action

Future consideration of end-to-end solutions for cold chain and provenance traceability to be conducted with due diligence and timeframe considerations.

Future research

Falls within ISC remit.

More information

Project manager: Ian Jenson
Contact email:
Primary researcher: Aglive