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P.PSH.0714 - Southern Beef Technology Services

Did you know that between 2016 and 2021, the rate of genetic change in the Southern Beef Technology Services stakeholder breed associations increased from $1.58 to $6.78 per year?

Project start date: 30 June 2016
Project end date: 29 July 2021
Publication date: 05 October 2022
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grass-fed Cattle
Relevant regions: National
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The Southern Beef Technology Services (SBTS) project, which commenced on 1 July 2016, was a joint initiative between Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA), the Agricultural Business Research Institute (ABRI) and 14 (later 13) breed associations representing temperate cattle breeds that are predominately run in Southern Australia. The SBTS project employed 2.5 FTEs who continued the work of the two preceding SBTS project iterations, delivering a range of innovative extension and technical support activities to maximise the use and understanding of BREEDPLAN and related genetic technologies in the Southern Australian beef industry. These initiatives were undertaken in support of facilitating a 50% increase in the rate of genetic progress for SBTS stakeholder breed associations. In conjunction with the Tropical Beef Technology Services project (TBTS) and Angus Australia extension program, the SBTS project provided an efficient and effective national extension and technical support network for the Australian beef breeding industry with particular emphasis on the seedstock sector.


The objectives of the SBTS project were:
1. Genetic Progress – Facilitate a 50% increase in the rate of genetic progress as measured by the weighted rate of change (three year rolling average) for the selection indexes of the stakeholder breed associations.
2. Extension Initiatives – Undertake a range of broad and targeted extension initiatives with a focus on the application of genetic improvement technologies (e.g., BREEDPLAN, Genomics) for Southern Australia.
3. Technical Advancement and Support – Provide support to assist the implementation of new, and increase the uptake of existing, genetic improvement technologies in Southern Australian seedstock herds and associated breed societies.
4. Capacity Building – Undertake capacity building in extension and support of genetic improvement technologies, primarily in the use of the BREEDPLAN products in the commercial breeding sector.
5. Collaboration – Facilitate structured collaboration with relevant industry bodies on extension initiatives and messages related to genetic improvement technologies.

Key findings

The SBTS project successfully facilitated a greater than 50% increase in the rate of genetic progress for SBTS stakeholder breed associations, with a $6.78 (per cow mated per year) rate of genetic change (three-year rolling) for the 2018 to 2020 drop calves, compared to the average increase of $1.58 for the three years to 2015 (the project base). The average weighted selection index value for the 2020 drop calves was $99.61, an increase of $26.43 from the average weighted selection index value of $73.19 for the 2015 drop calves. To facilitate this achievement, SBTS project personnel successfully completed a wide range of extension initiatives and technical support activities, with a particular emphasis on the seedstock sector, throughout the duration of the project.

Benefits to industry

Genetic improvement in the seedstock sector, which has been successfully facilitated by the SBTS project, has significant flow-on effects for the whole beef value chain. New technologies, such as genomically enhanced breeding values and revised BreedObject selection indexes, enhance the ability for commercial producers to select genetically superior bulls; in turn, this will produce better commercial progeny for the feedlot and processor components of industry.

MLA action

MLA is focusing on developing new investments to deliver extension and adoption for beef producers.

Future research

With beef genetics an evolving and technically complex space, a strong requirement exists for extension projects that provide a seamless transfer of information between the research and technical operations of the BREEDPLAN genetic evaluations, and those who use genetic improvement technologies in their herds. Thus, the ongoing support of an efficient and effective national extension and technical support network for the Australian beef industry should be prioritised. This would enable the continued utilisation of genetic technologies, and associated rates of genetic improvement, which would lead to significant flow-on benefits for the entire beef supply chain.


For more information

Contact Project Manager: Clara Bradford
