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L.WAM.1902 - WALRC Executive Officer and Secretariat

An efficient secretariat is essential to the effective running of a Research Council.

Project start date: 14 September 2018
Project end date: 29 June 2021
Publication date: 22 April 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Lamb
Relevant regions: Western Australia
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This project is to contract an Executive Officer/Secretariat to support the Western Australian Livestock Research Council with operational tasks and strategic planning, from 2018-21.

The WALRC EO-secretariat position combines both governance responsibilities of an Executive Officer, advocacy and leadership on behalf of the WALRC council, and an administrative function to ensure the smooth running of the operations of WALRC, which became an incorporated Association in 2017, just six months prior to the commencement of this contract.


1. Develop 3-year strategy plan, and year-on-year work (operational) plan and communications plan in consultation with council to enable effective implementation and reporting.
2. Develop an annual operating budget for approval by MLA and WALRC executive. Maintain up to date financials of actual income and expenditure.
3. Facilitate with assistance of WALRC council the expansion and maintenance of the producer membership to 8 active members.
4. Organise at least 8 producer consultation forums per year with support from the WALRC Chair, co-investors and producer members in the region.
5. Encourage and assist producer members to become leaders in their local grower group (GG) with support to establish at least one GG based extension project.
6. Organise at least four face to face WALRC council meetings per year including:
a. arrange meeting venues, accommodation and/or teleconference as required
b. developing meeting agendas
c. facilitate discussions
d. maintaining momentum in WALRC's out-of-session activities
7. Provide secretariat functions to WALRC council, executive committee and Chair
a. develop meeting agendas
b. manage the completion of action items and correspondence
c. draft with input from WALRC council the annual operating plan, communications plan and 3 year strategic plan.
d. Establish direct communications via occasional e-newsletter with producer database to inform about WALRC activities.
8. Develop, implement and report against a communication plan that has key deliverables specified, with primary target as WALRC being recognised by industry as a key forum to engage in directing RD&A investment for WA.
9. Develop and maintain effective relationships in coordination with WALRC Chair between key sheepmeat and southern grass fed beef RD&A stakeholders (agencies and industry groups) in WA.
10. In coordination with WALRC Chair, provide (apolitical) advocacy and leadership in relation to RD&A requirements, direction and value for Australia's sheepmeat and southern grass-fed beef sectors by:
a. leading the provision of WALRC input into RD&A programs and project milestones, deliverables, reporting and evaluation requirements in-line with agreed plans
b. participating in relevant discussions/industry workshops or events in Western Australia relating to RD&A program and project development, delivery and implementation in the sheepmeat and southern grass fed beef sectors
11. Become recognised as a key red meat and livestock representative and contact point for WA levy payers wanting to know how their levy is spent, and provide knowledge and information on key MLA initiatives as required.
12. Collect Monitoring & Evaluation data including meetings, locations and number of attendees (producer in particular), to include in reporting to MLA.
13. Distribute updates and information on the Annual Call and the Consultation Framework, and any other information deemed relevant by MLA, to WALRC members.
14. Conduct an annual survey amongst WALRC stakeholders as to the satisfaction with MLAs Regional Consultation Framework and the Annual Call, measured on a scale from 1 to 5 (5 being very satisfied).

Key findings

An efficient secretariat function is essential to the effective running of the Research Council. The Committee of Management have adopted to a proposal to directly engage the secretariat from FY21-22 onwards.

Benefits to industry

• MLA is seen via WALRC as professionally represented at grass roots level, and as a Council that listens and responds to local priorities and needs;
• Red meat producers in the southern half of WA have the capacity to impact research and extension priorities and associated investment choices;
• Via WALRC there is a direct conduit to WA stakeholders red meat producers, plus researchers, extension practitioners, government and other service providers, ensures an opportunity for MLA collaboration.

Future research

• The WALRC committee of management will take on the direct contracting and management of the secretariat role from July 2021, as is consistent with the strategic priority of the research councils increasing their independence and autonomy.
• The WALRC primary role of identifying RD&E priorities can only be enhanced by greater responsibilities for both the organisations and the individual councilors. A greater synergy with the Adoption team at MLA would assist with this.

More information

Project manager: Hayley Robinson
Contact email: