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L.SAM.2101 - SALRC Regional Funds Management 2020-21

Did you know that SALRC is the research council that represents southern Australia and provides links between researchers, producer levy payers and MLA for the purpose of identifying investment priorities?

Project start date: 19 July 2020
Project end date: 05 September 2021
Publication date: 16 May 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Lamb
Relevant regions: Southern Australia, NSW, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania


This agreement covers the FY 2020–21 allocation of funds for the seven Southern Australia Livestock Research Council (SALRC) regional committees and for SALRC to administer these funds on behalf of MLA.

MLA has a regional consultation structure that engages producers for input into MLA’s allocation of annual investments in Research, Development & Adoption (RD&A) benefiting grassfed beef and sheepmeat producers. SALRC is an independent Incorporated Association that was appointed by MLA in 2015 as one of three research advisory councils set up to provide recommendations on RD&A priorities and planning for grassfed beef and sheep producers throughout Australia.

SALRC represents producer inputs from NSW, VIC, SA, TAS producers as well as QLD sheepmeat producers. SALRC provides a forum for the red meat industry and RD&A agencies to review, debate, and consolidate RD&A priorities that emerge from the regional committees.

SALRC has a sub-structure of seven regional committees, each led by a local chair. Each year, MLA allocates funding to cover sitting fees, travel and meeting expenses for the regional committees.

As indicated above, this agreement covers the FY 2020-21 allocation of funds, which will be administered by SALRC on behalf of MLA.


Manage regional committee funds in accordance with these guidelines. Funds may not be used to cover expenditure outside of the guidelines, unless written approval has been obtained from MLA prior to expenditure.
1. MLA may require an annual financial audit to be conducted, at the expense of the Council.
2. Each of the seven SALRC regional committee will hold two meetings per year, up to two days each.
3. SALRC will in conjunction with SALRC regional chair coordinate/organise regional committee meetings for example but not limited to, set meeting date/s, communication to regional committee, draft agenda, track RSVPs, arrange meeting venue, dinner, name badges, organise travel and accommodation for producer committee representatives.
4. SALRC will organise for a minute taker for each Regional Committee meeting, and ensure that minutes are forwarded to MLA when they are distributed to the Committees.
5. SALRC will request and process invoices from each SALRC regional chair and up to six regional producer committee members per region who attend regional committee and full SALRC meetings.
6. Via the Program Manager Consultation, MLA will be invited by SALRC to all regional committee meetings and allocated sufficient time to address each meeting to provide updates on Investment Call progress and/or RD&A investments.
7. All regional committee producer members including regional chairs will be required to sign a letter of agreement.

Key findings

SARLC provide a forum for the red meat industry and RD&A agencies to review, debate and consolidate RD&A priorities.

Benefits to industry

Beef and lamb producers can participate in a process to inform investment decisions made by MLA for on-form productivity.

MLA action

MLA use the input to develop terms of references for research projects that meet the needs of the RACs and align with the MLA and RMAC strategic plans.

Future research

MLA will continue to work with the Research Advisory Councils to gain insight from producers on where investments are needed.

More information

Project manager: Hayley Robinson
Contact email:
Primary researcher: Southern Australia Livestock Research