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Northern Pastoral Company Group Secretariat 2018-2020

Project start date: 15 September 2018
Project end date: 11 June 2020
Publication date: 18 June 2020
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grassfed cattle
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Secretariat support is provided to the Northern Pastoral Group (NPG) to improve engagement between NPG members and between NPG members and MLA. The secretariat facilitates at least two meetings per calendar year and coordinates email and telephone communications. Through the secretariat, the NPG liaises with MLA staff, R&D providers and other stakeholders on a regular basis.

Amongst the activities and achievements over the last 2 years are:

  • Development of an animal welfare index for northern Australia.
  • Involvement in the northern genomics project.
    Collaboration with MLA and others to improve the connectivity of properties.
  • Exchange of information and policies with regard to work health and safety on property.
  • A sharing of information and data on best practice with regard to property and infrastructure development.

The NPG group consists of 15 companies breeding, growing and finishing cattle mainly in northern Australia. Annual sales range from 0.9 million to 1.0 million head per annum. The purpose of the NPG is to improve the whole business performance of its members by focusing on optimising productivity, sustainability, human resources and profitability. Members benefit by sharing knowledge and experience and work cooperatively with RD&E personnel to see themselves and the rest of industry move forward.

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Primary researcher: Grazserv Pty Ltd