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B.PSP.0019 - CMA: Forum CMA RnD4Profit - Phosphorous Efficient Pastures

Did you know that the Phosphorus Efficiency Rural Profit project funded by the Federal Government aimed to improved fertiliser management of southern pastures?

Project start date: 13 April 2019
Project end date: 29 June 2020
Publication date: 09 February 2024
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Lamb
Relevant regions: NSW, Western Australia, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania


This CMA is to support implementation costs (travel, accommodation, catering, meals, venue, fees for producers providing advisory inputs to project) of a two-day review & planning forum with producers, advisors and researchers associated with the Phosphorus efficiency rural profit project. The funding source is from interest earnt on the Grant and has been approved by DAWR. The funding allocation includes funds for a consultant reviewer – this will be proposed as a separate agreement approval request (contract).


This CMA is to support implementation costs (travel, accommodation, catering, meals, venue, fees for producers providing advisory inputs to project) of a two-day review & planning forum with producers, advisors and researchers associated with the Phosphorus efficiency rural profit project.

Key findings

From the review forum component outputs were collated and synthesised on how the project is progressing towards completion. The forum presented a broad update of work to date, what may be missing from delivering the April 2020 Outputs, any corrective actions, and opportunities post June 2020 in both research and delivery.

Benefits to industry

Ensures efficiency of investment and ensuring successful completion of the project that the Federal Government contracted MLA to deliver.

MLA action

MLA used the forum results to inform milestones due to the Federal government and the success in the final stages (including final reporting) to the Fedeal government.

More information

Project manager: Cameron Allan
Contact email: