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SeedSpotter - Real Time Imaging and Quantification of Seeds in Live Animals

Project start date: 08 January 2018
Project end date: 28 February 2019
Publication date: 28 February 2019
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle


IDF (Xinova) and Meat & Livestock Australia collaborated (P.PSH.0674 "Open innovation invention solution for objective carcase measurement") to generate invention solutions, using an open innovation model that addressed the major challenge of 'objective carcase measurement'.

This project was discontinued due to program priorities.

The following provides a summary of project deliverables.

The project resulted in several potential solutions in particular, "Seed spotting & marking using THz imaging and paint tagging" (AU-874901, patent-pending) was accelerated to technical proof of concept to explore if the technology could be feasible for the application.

Based on qualitative and quantitative analysis, it is clear that GSI is a significant problem for the Australian sheep industry and that there is a desire by various stakeholders for the problem to be solved. To arrive at a solution that is desirable, feasible and viable, further analysis is required at the different stages of the value chain as follows:

  • At the producers side, it is important to study:
    • Deficiencies in current grass seed management (including reporting) techniques;
    • Techniques used in other sectors and in other markets globally that may provide best practice guidance on managing/avoiding grass seed infestation; and
    • The capacity of the producers to adopt new technologies, from capability and financial perspectives.
  • At the saleyard side, more in-depth research is required to understand:
    • The inspection process and where an intervention could best be introduced;
    • The capacity and appetite for a new solution; and
    • The value of detecting GSI over and above current methods and who would benefit from this, clearly understanding how much more a buyer would pay for a sheep that had been cleared of GSI through a certified process is important.
  • At the processors side, it is important to understand:
    • The value created by a GSI detection solution and who benefits from it;
    • The capacity of processes to adopt new technologies, from capability and financial perspectives

To undertake this analysis, a deeper exploration of the problem and opportunity would need to be undertaken. This analysis would utilise qualitative/ethnographic methodologies to understand the problem and opportunities from the various stakeholder perspectives and will utilise quantitative methods to review technological and market problems and opportunities.

Importantly, based on the analysis completed so far, is it also recommended that the intent of investigation would need to be broadened from seeking a real-time spectroscopic solution to the problem of GSI and include other solutions that may have an impact at various steps on the value chain. Early analysis has indicated that an expensive, high tech solution, may not be of interest to the majority of stakeholders based on capacity to adopt and price.

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