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ISC communication support - PR and Corporate Communications

Did you know ISC delivers a range of ISC and integrity system PR and corporate communications activities?

Project start date: 06 August 2019
Project end date: 30 July 2020
Publication date: 04 April 2022
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grain-fed Cattle, Grass-fed Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Lamb
Relevant regions: National


This project supported the implementation and delivery of ISC and integrity system PR and corporate communications activities, including social media, media, advertising, content development for the monthly integrity matters editions, EDM content, branding and positioning, web content, infographics and animations, case studies and feature articles, and other services as required.

This project also supported the completion of work that was already underway or planned in the short term to underpin the communication of industry’s integrity system (NLIS, LPA and NVDs) to red meat producers and the broader red meat industry as outlined in the ISC Communication, Stakeholder Engagement and Adoption strategy implementation workplan 2018-20. This project supported the communication needs for other ISC initiatives and programs including the Data Platform Communications Plan, Livestock Data Link, Integrity Systems 2025 Strategy and other issues as needed.


This project aimed to support the implementation and delivery of ISC and integrity system PR and corporate communication activities, including social media, media, advertising, content development for the monthly integrity matters editions, EDM content, branding and positioning, web content, infographics and animations, case studies and feature articles, and other services as required.

Benefits to industry

This project facilitated the creation of communications on integrity programs through electronic newsletters, social media and advertising.