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Drivers and Barriers to Genetic & Genomic Tool Adoption – Market Research (Qualitative Phase)

Project start date: 09 June 2015
Project end date: 14 September 2015
Publication date: 15 August 2019
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grassfed cattle
Relevant regions: National
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Currently there is a significant under-utilisation of genetic technologies designed to assist livestock producers in Australia to be more productive and profitable. There have been efforts made by various groups in industry to improve this situation with limited success. MLA is addressing the situation through several mechanisms and have committed to measures to increase the utilisation of genetic technologies. One of these measures is market research to quantify barriers and drivers of adoption of genetic technology into beef producers businesses.

The first phase of this research is to engage in qualitative research, with a view to engaging quantitative research following this. These research phases will inform decision-making processes behind more effective producer adoption and engagement in this area. The primary objective of this project is (in preparation for quantification), qualitatively explore and identify the barriers and drivers to adoption of genetic tools and technologies to drive best practice adoption in the Australian beef and sheep meat industries. By the 17th of August 2015 the consultant, will work with MLA and any other key stakeholders to conduct:

  • An orientation session with MLA and any other key stakeholders identified to inform the development of the draft discussion guide
    Preliminary exploratory research (on-farm with producers) to provide insight into producers context, behaviour, attitudes and motivations to assist in re-fining the research process. This information will be discussed with the MLA team to finalise the discussion guides
  • Qualitative exploration (via Skype/phone interviews) to identify the barriers and drivers to the adoption of genetic tools and technologies
    An activation workshop with MLA and any relevant key stakeholders to present research findings, address specific questions, discuss how MLA can effectively utilised research findings

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Primary researcher: Ipsos Australia