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Development of an Integrated Livestock (Beef) Management System

Did you know installing internet systems that enable unlimited downloads can generate a return on investment of $48,011 over 10 years?

Project start date: 01 April 2018
Project end date: 31 January 2020
Publication date: 17 October 2019
Project status: In progress
Livestock species: Grassfed cattle
Relevant regions: National
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​In Australian beef production and processing operations, it can be difficult to capture and transfer data from properties and feedlots to a central head office for information processing, analysis and reporting.

This project demonstrated a funcational solution to data management challenges by upgrading existing software systems used by producers and incorporating a process to manage information within a red meat supply chain.

The software provider delivered four new modules: the Livestock Procurement Booking, Saleyard Data Interface, Feedlot Data Interface and the “iLivestock” management module, which were all successfully integrated into selected business sites.


The primary objective of this work was to implement a fully-integrated, supply chain data management system by upgrading existing software in a select number of beef enterprises. The key learnings were to be incorporated into reference materials, processes and principles to apply to other businesses in the Australian red meat supply chain.

Key findings

  • The return on investment for installing integrated information management systems that enable unlimited internet can generate a benefit of $48,011 over 10 years.
  • The Livestock Procurement Booking module and Saleyard Data Interface module were successfully integrated into on-farm operational processes, which resulted in ease of use, accuracy, timeliness and maintenance of data.
  • The Feedlot Data Interface module was successfully implemented over the two-month commercial trial period and during that time, more than 1,000 individual files containing individual animal information were automatically produced and processed.
  • Implementing the ‘iLivestock’ Livestock Management System module significantly improved business performance by identifying underperforming animals early, which enabled management decisions based on animal history, stock density and production processes.

Benefits to industry

The benefits of producers having enhanced connectivity and data transfer capability and capacity include:

  • more efficient and cost-effective reporting, settlement of business transactions and accurate costings
  • reliable animal transaction data (including data for the National Livestock Identification System)
  • improved staff services and safety in rural and remote locations.

Future research

Due to the successful design, development and implementation of the integrated information management system, it is recommended that future projects include a phased approach to system changes, robust collaboration with key stakeholders and a dedicated resource that provides assistance with training during implementation.

Recommendations include:

  • collaborative approach to connectivity and communications
  • a collaborative and phased design approach
  • further develop data collection protocols through their value chain to further ensure all data is collected consistently across all properties
  • Ttanslate the value from data collected and collection platform into other business processes.

More information

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Primary researcher: Australian Country Choice Properties