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Communication resources NFAS Rules and Standards changes- Questions and answers

Project start date: 28 October 2017
Project end date: 30 April 2018
Publication date: 13 August 2019
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grainfed cattle
Relevant regions: National
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The National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme (NFAS) is the Australian cattle feedlot industry's quality assurance scheme and is the cornerstone of eligibility for beef to be described as Grain Fed. The scheme also supports the industry's commitment to implement continual improvement in production, welfare and environmental management within the feedlot industry. AUS-MEAT administers the scheme through the Feedlot Industry Accreditation Committee (FLIAC).

The NFAS was reviewed in April 2015 and a number of recommended changes were considered and accepted for adoption. These changes to the NFAS Rules & Standards were the most significant to the program since its inception. As such, it was important that clear and sustained communication that articulated the value of these changes to industry was essential to achieve successful implementation.

This project supported the industry's implementation of the NFAS Rules and Standards changes, through the development of communication resources to assist accredited feedlots to prepare for introduction of the new requirements, which came into effect in March 2018.

More information

Project manager: Des Rinehart
Contact email:
Primary researcher: Currie Communications Pty Ltd