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Brahman Beef Information Nucleus/Progeny Test Project

Project start date: 01 October 2010
Project end date: 16 April 2019
Publication date: 16 April 2019
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle


​The Beef industry continues to be pressed by rising production costs which imposes pressure to improve efficiency, including the rate of genetic progress. This project aimed to contribute to this process utilising existing genetic evaluation technology and providing the resources to take better advantage of the emerging gene marker technology.

The major objectives of the project were;

  • To attract and evaluate sires which will influence the future of the Brahman breed for a range of economically important traits including meat quality and female reproduction as well as the usual BREEDPLAN growth and carcase traits.
  • To develop a data file of phenotype measurement that can be used to validate gene marker panels for Brahman cattle as part of the Beef Information Nucleus project.
  • To provide the resources to conduct other separately funded research into areas which will assist the future development of the Brahman breed.

The project conducted a progeny test of 20-25 young bulls each year. Approximately 750 calves were produced in the CSIRO Belmont herd as well as two commercial co-operators that produced calves by AI.

This project was born out of the dual needs to;

  • Provide the Brahman industry in Australia with access to proven young sires, particularly with meat quality and female reproduction trait data.
  • Provide a means of evaluating/validating gene markers for production/meat quality traits in Australian Brahman cattle.

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