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Value adding goatmeat for Australian consumers

Project start date: 01 May 2017
Project end date: 01 November 2017
Publication date: 22 January 2018
Project status: Completed
Livestock species: Goat
Relevant regions: National
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A feasibility study was conducted to identify new usages, occasions and opportunity spaces for goatmeat domestically. A design led innovation approach (desirable-feasible-viable elements) was used, with consumers and value chain participants the focus, to identify high value opportunities and in the end, grow demand.

Several consumer-based, market usage opportunities have been presented, where a defined consumer segment and key occasion have been identified, with a range of existing pains that consumers are experiencing, as well as desired gains that they are seeking.  Using our knowledge of the diversity of goatmeat dishes that exist, a suitable solution has been identified, where goatmeat's qualities are best able to address these existing consumer pains and realise desired gains.  In many instances, the opportunity for innovation to value-add has been identified which further accentuates goatmeat's properties and overcomes some of its inherent barriers to usage, making it a more commercially viable as a solution.

The value of these opportunities per year are as follows:

  • Young Families - parents seeking to do the right thing by their kids with healthy and enjoyable mid-week, meals, but live in the real world.
    • Estimated volume of goatmeat = 118T.
    • Estimated value = $4.7M
  • Adventurous Cooks – taking the team to pursue their passion, creating something new and interesting.
    • Estimated volume of goatmeat = 78T.
    • Estimated value = $3.1M
  • Millennials – new age food values, seeking to realise their flexitarian ambitions.
    • Estimated volume of goatmeat = 70T.
    • Estimated value = $1.7M
  • Empty Nesters – Focusing back on themselves and their health needs, as they plan to lead a fulfilling and active life.
    • Estimated volume of goatmeat = 58T.
    • Estimated value = $2.9M
  • Professional Couples – seek to create for themselves the type of cosmopolitan dishes they experience when eating out, with the help of a meal kit.
    • Estimated volume of goatmeat = 34T.
    • Estimated value = $0.9M
  • Total estimated volume of goatmeat = 360T
  • Total estimated value = $13.3MA

webinar talking through the project results can be downloaded and watched here.A short video on the project and next steps can be viewed here.

MLA is now seeking to partner with industry co-investors such as producers and brand owners to develop customised programs to pact on the findings and recommendations in this report.

More information

Project manager: Julie Petty
Primary researcher: DI Jenkinson Pty Ltd