B.GBP.0019- Project scoping and assessment
Project start date: | 01 July 2017 |
Project end date: | 30 June 2018 |
Publication date: | 30 June 2018 |
Project status: | Completed |
Livestock species: | Sheep, Goat, Lamb, Grassfed cattle, Grainfed cattle |
This CMA is not allocated to specific projects but relating to the development of project ideas and stakeholder engagement under the grassfed beef productivity portfolio. The intent is to manage third party relationships that maximise collaborations that deliver to MISP 2020 and MLA strategic plan through RD&A outcomes. Activities may include workshops, development of surveys, facilitated RD&A forums, travel for non-MLA staff and costs associated with the scoping phase of research and development projects related to grassfed beef production systems.